Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Aren't they all the same or is it just me?

Who would have thought watching TV would become such a difficult task? Don't you just want to do that just to get away from it all. Isn't the idiot box supposed to be idiot proof? Apparently not. Not after I decided that watching TV is not good enough without my home theater. Now I have a receiver, a DVD player, a CD player, a cable box with DVR, and the array of equipment is still growing. With all that came remote controls. Yes, I, now need to remember that I have to use the cable remote to change channels, while I have to use the receiver remote to increase volume. But I can use the cable remote to select the video input, instead of the TV remote - how brilliant. Except I should remember that the select button is actually the right arrow! Are you kidding me? And lo and behold if I run out of batteries. The cable remote takes 3 AA bateries, while the receiver needs 4 AAA batteries. And there is the other thing that needs the square looking battery.

Have you looked at the battery aisle in Radio Shack? All those buttons and cylinders? When did this all become ok? Can't they all come up with a solution that will work across? Did any one not complain about this yet?

Oh, wait. They have devices that don't need batteries. Or at least not for a long time. They have chargers, instead! Eeeek! Chargers! That messy tangle of wires and unsavory looking plastic blobs that you are forced to carry around. Don't forget to pack your cell phone chargers, camera charger, IPOD charger, shaver charger, laptop charger, and that charger that can charge rechargeable batteries for those that don't need chargers! To add to that, in my infinite wisdom, I thought moving a toothbrush across my teeth was too much work and decided to get a toothbrush that will tickle my nose while vibrating in my mouth, apparently cleaning it, and would require - you guessed it - another charger!

Aren't they all the same? Can't they make a rule saying "thou shalt use this one charger for all equipment" or "thou shalt use only this type of battery"? Won't life be simpler if they all worked the same? Won't these things will be cheaper too?

Exactly. These things would be cheaper! So, the powers that be who are secretly laughing at the hapless consumers who are left to deal with this muddle are the ones that profit from it. Now, when you upgrade your cell phone, you are paying for the charger, too. If it is all standard, it just might be cheaper. They get less money, that is. Also, if it worked with all chargers then what is so exclusive about their product. Vendors like Apple have the nerve to not include the charger as part of the standard package for an IPOD and charge you extra for it. Accessorize, they say!

Makes me mad! May be if enough people get mad, there will be something done about it. But this or cure cancer, you say! I guess the decision is obvious.

Meanwhile, I have to go look for the car charger so I can charge my cell phone to call to order a spare charger for my laptop - so I can have a back up charger at home. Yes, I will watch the road while I drive!